Liderzy projektu: Allianz Cultural Foundation (Niemcy), Volonteurope (Wielka Brytania), Itinéraire International (Francja), IKAB-Bildungswerk (Niemcy)
Partnerzy: FRS oraz 14 organizacji z Francji, Niemiec, Rumunii, Wielkiej Brytanii i Hiszpanii
The project „European Voluntary Service for All” with the European Voluntary Service for All (EVS4ALL) the Allianz Cultural Foundation and its partners aim to open up existing European exchange and volunteer programs to a wider audience. The two-year project European Voluntary Service for All (EVS4ALL) is an initiative by the Allianz Cultural Foundation, implemented in cooperation with Volonteurope and Itinéraire International, and coordinated by IKAB-Bildungswerk. Fourteen partners from France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom are represented in the consortium, including foundations and organisations from civil society as well as experienced organisations from the fields of European youth and voluntary work.
All EVS4ALL partners aim to place the topics of volunteering, participation in democratic life, as well as social inclusion on the public agenda.
There are three ways in which we propose to achieve this goal:
First, by including young people with fewer opportunities and limited access to the European Voluntary Service (EVS) who have so far been underrepresented in the existing programme;
Second, enlisting the involvement of and offering outreach to further stakeholders like foundations, municipalities, regional and national governments, companies etc. to engage in EVS in order to enlarge its capacities in Europe;
Finally, the promotion of EVS – specifically, the idea of a more inclusive EVS – by means of a widespread communication and dissemination strategy.
We also plan to involve public persons as well as prominent promoters of the manifesto as mentors of single volunteers or the pilot project as a whole to raise awareness and visibility of EVS4ALL and its vision. More information about the project and the partnership on the project website.